British Equestrian engages in a wide range of activities. Your first point of call if you have a complaint is to use the specific complaints procedure provided to cover that particular activity. This will be set out either in the formal agreement that you have signed, or in the terms and conditions which govern your relationship with us.
BEF Customer Charter and Complaints Guide
If you are having difficulty in finding the relevant procedure, please contact us directly at and we will point you in the right direction.
Any complaints of a generic nature not covered by a specific procedure should be sent either to the email address or to our postal address, and the generic complaints procedure set out below will then apply.
A person who is a member of one of the British Equestrian Member Bodies that has incorporated the Appeal Rules into its rules may invoke the British Equestrian Appeals procedure.
British Equestrian FEEDBACK FORM
View the British Equestrian Appeal Rules (which can be found in Annex G of the BEF Rulebook)
All Riders selected onto the British Equestrian (BEF) World Class Programme, and/or selected to represent Great Britain, together with their Support Personnel (together referred to as “Participant(s)”) are subject to the FEI rules, BEF Rulebook, policies and bye-laws and will be required to undertake to respect the principles and values of the FEI and BEF and to be bound at all times by the British Equestrian Team Charter.
Click here to view our Privacy Policy.