Leonie Saffy

Rider Profile

Leonie Saffy
Competition Grade:

I started riding at my local RDA centre, Clwyd Special Riding Centre, when I was 10 years old. This was advised by my doctors in preparation for a full spinal fusion I was due to have in order to correct a curvature in my spine. I instantly fell in love with the sport. I was born with Multiple Pterygium Syndrome (Escobar Syndrome), which limits the range of movement in my joints, and also means I have limited muscle tissue because my body can’t build muscle and connective tissue – I only have 40% muscle throughout my body. I also have restricted lung function, arthrogryposis and heart defects. Riding did for me what was thought to be impossible by all my doctors – my spinal fusion was put off the table for five years because riding actually strengthened my muscles so much that my curve was held in a fixed position and actually started to improve the degree of the curve, which was never considered to be possible.

Eventually, the riding alone wasn’t enough and my curve progressed rapidly. I had to undergo my full spinal fusion at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital in 2016 and managed to get it down to just six months off riding. I'm now three years post-operation and back to training with the horses six days a week. I’ve always said that one reason why I love riding is you never have the same ride – you can never plan every minute of a lesson because horses are always in a different mood and it’s the job of the riders to be understanding and work them through it. I got into dressage as a serious sport from the age of 12 and started to do qualifiers at the RDA centre, then qualified for RDA National Championships.

Currently, I am studying chemistry, biology and English language and literature at Coleg Cambria, and I am aiming to study Biochemistry in university this year. I really enjoy chemistry and biology and would like to do biochemical research as a job in the future.

I do a lot of fitness outside of training with horses. I enjoy doing weight training with strength and conditioning work at home, and also do boxing at my local gym weekly. I like to improve my fitness for my own personal fitness goals and to improve on the limited muscle I already have to help with my horse riding. I have quite a busy life, but I also make sure I get time for myself to relax. My way of relaxing is spending time with friends and family watching films together or going out in my free time. I enjoy film nights with my family, and one of my favourite films is the new Lion King.